i-fashion: Mass Customization in der Bekleidungsindustrie von Korea

Glanz1.jpgAuf der Website von i-Fashion aus Korea findet man in der englischsprachigen Einführung folgende Hinweise: “Recently, the apparell and fashion indistry in Korea has shiftet into a knowledge-based, high value-added industry (…). First of all, two key-words on the i-Fashion spotlight represent a paradigm shift ´Ubiquitous´ and ´Personalization´. When each two words applies to apparell and fashio industry, it creates high value added called ´Service´ and ´Mass Customization´.” Dieser deutliche Hinweis von Mr. Chang-kyu Park (Director) sollte unsere Bekleidungsindustrie verdeutlichen, dass es durchaus eine Alternative zu den massenhaft produzierten Standardprodukten gibt. Allerdings sollten die Kunden auch stärker solche Produkte und Dienstleistungen einfordern.

Researches on Multiple Intelligence in Korea

Multiple Intelligence in Korea: Multiple intelligence is also a heated research topic to some professors and graduate students in iAPED (Asia Pacific Education Development Program) in Seoul National University. Professor Yong Lin Moon and his graduate students have long been involved in the researches on the multiple intelligence, published several papers, constructed some measurement tests on multiple intelligence, developed and tested its effectiveness of educational programs in elementary and secondary schools.