Savitskaya, I. (2009): Towards Open Innovation in Regional Innovation System: The Case St. Petersburg

Der Research Report 214 Savitskaya, I. (2009): Towards Open Innovation in Regional Innovation System: The Case St. Petersburg zeigt deutlich auf, dass Open Innovation nicht nur in den USA, Asien und Westeuropa ein Thema ist. Auch in Russland befassen sich die Forscher mit den Entwicklungen zu Open Innovation, dabei kommt ihnen auch die Nähe zu Finnland zu Gute. Gerade Finnland ist hier sehr aktiv. Nicht umsonst fand die letzte Weltkonferenz MCPC 2009 in Helsinki statt. Abstract:

Innovation has become a key to sustainable growth and economic development. Its importance is recognised not only at a single company level, but also at the region and country level. Open innovation as an empowering model for knowledge economy has changed the approach to innovation management. Apparently, as Russia is in transition towards innovation based economy, its companies could not escape opening up their innovation process according to western patterns.

This research explores the value added by open innovation embracement in the region to the linkages of triple-helix model within innovation system. The research framework for regional open innovation system is developed in the study taking into account open innovation implementation practices and the centralised model for it is offered. Open innovation is viewed as an empowering mechanism for development of open innovation system.

The study is a qualitative case study. The findings of the study explain open
innovation implementation in the region in interconnection to local innovation system and its special features. The research framework developed in the study can be utilised further on for analogous research of ROISs in Russia and other countries, as well as for cross-systems comparisons.

Auch die von mir initiierte Konferenzreihe MCP-CE (Mass Customization, Personalization and Open Innovation in Central Europe), die im kommenden Jahr zum fünften Mal stattfinden wird, konnte ich in den letzten Jahren sehen, wie das Interesse an Open Innovation in Osteuropa stetig gewachsen ist. Siehe dazu auch MCPC 2011 oder Konferenzen.