Rapid Manufacturing Research Group: The World´s leading Research Group

rapid-manufacturing-researchgroup.jpg“The Rapid Manufacturing Research Group (RMRG) within the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University is recognised as the Worlds leading research group in the field of Rapid Manufacturing (Virtual Tour)” Rapid Prototyping und Rapid Manufacturing sind Kernelemente für Mass Customization and Open Innovation. Mit Hilfe neuer Verfahren ist es möglich, Losgröße 1 wirtschaftlich und individuell zu produzieren. Vielen Unternehmen sind diese neuen Ansätze (leider) immer noch zu wenig bekannt. Schon in den 80er Jahren habe ich beispielsweise auf der Basis von AutoCad-Daten und der Stereolithografie-Methode erste Muster herstellen lassen. Wenn ich das in Unternehmen erzähle, ernte ich oftmals ungläubiges Staunen. Bedenkt man, was sich auf diesem Gebiet in den letzten 20 Jahren alles getan hat, so bieten Rapid Prototyping und Rapid Manufacturing heute enorme Möglichkeiten, Wertschöpfungsketten zu optimieren. Informieren Sie sich doch weiter auf der Konferenzwebsite Rapid Manufacturing Conference, beim Fraunhofer IPA Rapid Product Development & Manufacturing, im RTejournal der FH Aachen oder aber bei eMachineShop.

Waslander, S. (2007): Mass customization in schools: strategies Dutch secondary schools pursue to cope with the diversity-efficiency dilemma

Pause4.jpgDer Beitrag wurde veröffentlicht in Journal of Education Policy, Volume 22, Issue 4, July 2007, pages 363-382. Abstract: “Faced with the diversity-efficiency dilemma, private companies apply ‘mass customization’ strategies to add diversity without adding costs. As schools are urged to become more ‘customer oriented’ they also face a diversity-efficiency dilemma. This article asks how Dutch secondary schools cope with this dilemma and to what extent they apply ‘mass customization’ strategies. A careful selection procedure aimed at a maximum variety of school practices resulted in seventeen schools for which case studies were conducted. Data collection included written material, observations and interviews. Analysis of the combined data indicated six dimensions along which schools differentiate their educational offerings. On the basis of emerging patterns of differentiation, four categories of schools were distinguished. These categories appear to be closely linked to organizational strategies pursued by schools. The article concludes that practices adopted by schools to cope with the diversity-efficiency dilemma strongly resemble mass customization strategies applied by companies producing tangible goods. In the final section, the risks and inherent contradictions of these strategies are pointed out. For while government policies and schools seek to put the needs of individual students at the centre, the inevitable diversity-efficiency dilemma may cause many schools to adopt practices students never asked for.”  Der Beitrag zeigt, dass Mass Customization nicht nur in unternehmen, sondern auch in Schulen sinnvoll sein kann. An dieser Stelle möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass ich schon auf der ELearnChina2003 Freund, R. (2003): Mass Customization in Education and Training darauf hingewiesen habe. Das weiter oben angesprochene “diversity-efficiency dilemma” würde ich allerdings mit Hilfe der Multiple Intelligenzen Theorie eher als Chance interpretieren.