European Commission (2013): Open Innovation 2.0 Yearbook 2013

picture.cfm id=663Es ist immer gut, einen Überblick über ein Themengebiet zu haben. Das Buch European Commission (2013): Open Innovation 2.0 Yearbook 2013 zeigt auf, wie wichtig Open Innovation (und seine Facetten) für die Länder Europas geworden ist. Die vielen genannten Beispiele verdeutlichen, dass es nicht nur Theorie ist, sondern Open Innovation vielfach erfolgreich umgesetzt wird:  “In the European context, open innovation is now used as a synonym for modern, highly dynamic and inter­active processes. Linear and sequential mindsets are slowly changing to be more opportunistic, more dar­ing and more action-oriented. We need to move from having ‘perfect plans for yesterday’ to an innovation culture which fosters experimentation and prototyp­ing in real-world settings. This new innovation cul­ture leads to simultaneous technological and societal innovation and encouragement. We need to be daring and also experiment with disruptive approaches as gradual improvement does not properly reflect the potential that the omnipresent, fast-developing ICT provides for parallel innovations.” Siehe dazu auch

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