Avenell, G. K. ( 2004): Pluralism – Leading For Diversity

The 2004 Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management Regional Conference “Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies”. In diesem Beitrag finden Sie den Hinweis auf Gardner und sie Multiple Intelligenzen Theorie auf Seite 3:

“Howard Gardner, one of the most famous educational theorists in the world defined the concept of multiple intelligences. Gardner’s ideas validate what we know about the power of teaching different children in different ways. Gardner’s 1983 book, “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” appealed to many teachers who had some students who did better in some areas than in others. Gardner is thus attributed with the move away from practices of homogenous grouping toward an emphasis on the value of diversity and inclusion to meet the needs of all students.”

Benson, E. (2003): Intelligent intelligence testing

Psychologists are broadening the concept of intelligence and how to test it. BY ETIENNE BENSON, Apaonline, Volume 34, No. 2 February 2003. Am Ende des Beitrags finden Sie folgenden Hinweis:

“We will always need some way of making intelligent decisions about people,” says Halpern. “We’re not all the same; we have different skills and abilities. What’s wrong is thinking of intelligence as a fixed, innate ability, instead of something that develops in a context”