MCPC 2007: 150+ presentations on Mass Customization, Personalization, User Co-creation and Open Innovation

Die vierte Weltkonferenz zu Mass Customization und Open Innovation findet im kommenden Monat in den USA statt. Ich freue mich auf eine interessante Konferenz und darauf, auch einen Vortrag halten zu können (Siehe Blogbeitrag). Frank Piller gibt im folgenden Text eine Übersicht zu der wirklich aufregenden Konferenz:

MCPC2007: October 7-9, 2007 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge/Boston, followed by a Business Seminar at HEC Business School Montreal on October 11, 2007. Website: (Program 06-Sept 2007)

A growing heterogeneity of demand, the advent of “long tail markets”, exploding product complexities, and the rise of the creative consumer are demanding innovative strategies from companies in all industries. For many companies, Mass Customization and Personalization (MCP) is an answer. The biannual World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization (MCPC) is the primary event in this domain. Join us for the MCPC 2007 at MIT, where leading-edge developers, analysts, business thinkers, and researchers creating MCP strategies & technologies intersect with entrepreneurs and corporate managers seeking out these applications to gain a competitive edge.

We invite you to MIT for an in-depth discussion on, for example, co-design toolkits, mass customization strategies, product design for high variety, virtual models, lead user methods, customization value, market trends, open source architecture, customization communities, product family design, MC supply chains, and many case studies, often presented by the company’s founder or CEO. The MCPC 2007 is a multi-track conference featuring a unique combination of high profile keynotes with expert talks, panel discussions, interactive sessions, workshops, receptions, and much more.

A Business Seminar with keynotes from Don Tapscott (“Wikinomics”) and Dell’s Supply Chain Evangelist Mike Gray at HEC Montreal on October 11th, 2007 will provide a focused top-management-view on mass customization in retail and the future of virtual identities. For registration, the full conference program and all further information please go to conference web site:

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