MCPC2007: Proceedings of the MCPC 2007 World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization

mcpc2007.gifNun liegt die endgültige Fassung der (ca. 150) Präsentationen vor: Proceedings. Meine Präsentationen finden Sie auf den Seiten 61 bzw. 65. Die MCPC2007 findet im MIT Stata Center statt und steht unter der Überschrift Extreme Customization (Programm) und findet  Hier einige Bemerkungen aus dem Vorwort: “A growing heterogeneity of demand, the advent of “long tail markets”, exploding product complexities, and the rise of the creative consumer are challenging companies in all industries to find new strategies to react to address – and profit – from these trends. This is the background for the fourth World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization (MCPC 2007). We want to debate with you what’s viable now, what did not work in the past, and what’s lurking just below the radar in mass customization, personalization, and related fields. We are proud that hundreds of the world’s leading managers, entrepreneurs, researchers, authors, technology providers, and enthusiasts in these fields have found there way to this conference. Extreme Customization is the theme of the 2007 conference. Our manifesto is to shift the mass customization debate from a physical product perspective to a total life cycle experience.”

Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.

2 Antworten auf „MCPC2007: Proceedings of the MCPC 2007 World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization“

  1. Dear Robert,
    Very nice to meet you at the MCP conference!
    I like your website except that a lot is in German 🙂
    Look forward to our future interactions.
    Best regards,

  2. thank you for your presentation. may i ask where i can find the bottom up and top down compentences chart on your website? Or can you send me your presentation as i feel this information is valuable for use in our organization.

    Thank you.
    Jon Peters

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