Blecker/Friedrich (Eds.) (2007): Mass Customization Information Systems in Business

blecker&friedrich-mass-customization-informations-systems-in-business.jpgDas Buch Mass Customization Information Systems in Business enthält Beiträge die zeigen, wie wichtig moderne Informationstechnology für Mass Customization ist :”The idea behind mass customization would be impossible without computers and information systems which help to design and configure products and production processes from user requirements. Moreover, modern recommender systems support the user in selecting appropriate requirements and constraints which represent the customer’s wishes in order to maximize their satisfaction. Information and communication technology is the driver for mass customization. It reduces the customizing costs during the product modeling process and provides tools for supporting the required user interaction.” Siehe dazu auch Dietrich, A. (2008): Informationssysteme für Mass Customization. Ich halte allerdings eine zu starke Fokussierung auf technologische Ansätze für problematisch, da “technology-driven-solutions” nur einen Teil der gesamten Kundeninteraktion darstellen (Interaktionskompetenz des Unternehmens).

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