Skiba, F.; Herstatt,C. (2008): Integration of innovative users as source of service innovations

Gaeste1.jpgIn dem Arbeitspapier 54 Skiba, F.; Herstatt, C. (2008): Integration of innovative users as source of service innovations untersuchen die Autoren die Anwender-Integration in der deutschen Service-Industrie. Aus dem Abstract: “Results show that service companies like companies from other industries actively pursue the development of radical innovations. We find that service companies do not integrate users by random. Instead a service company’s level of importance for radical innovation significantly determines both, choice of users integrated as well as choice of integration instruments deployed.” Weiterhin findet man auf Seite 31: “In our study, however, we discover that companies integrating users very much value their idea contributions with regard to ‘originality’, ‘produciblity’ and also ‘stickiness’, meaning that they would not have come across those ideas themselves. In addition our findings demonstrate that for service companies any increase in especially using integration instruments which are considered easy to apply (Alam, 2002), e.g., ‘interviews/questionnaires’ and ‘complaint management’, results in the most significant quality improvements in quality of generated.” Mit relativ einfachen Mitteln kann man an die so wertvollen Sticky Informations kommen, die nicht so einfach aus den gesammelten Daten und Informationen der Webplattformen zu gewinnen sind. Die oftmals starke Technologieorientierung der Unternehmen bei der Kunden-Interaktion sollte überprüft werden, da sie nur einen (zwar wichtigen, aber eben nur) begrenzten Teil der gesamten Interaktion ausmacht.

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