Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Customer Co-Creation und dem Lead User Konzept?

leadingopeninnovationDie vielen Begrifflichkeiten wie Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation, Customer Co-Creation, Lead User Methode usw. usw. verwirren oftmals. Es ist daher gut, Unterschiede bzw. Gemeinsamkeiten zu kennen. Eine gute Beschreibung des Unterschiedes zwischen Customer Co-Creation und der Lead User Methode habe ich bei Piller/Ihl (2013:139) gefunden: “The difference between customer co-creation and the lead-user concept as introduced by Eric von Hippel (1988) and summarized in chapter 8 is often fuzzy in practice, but distinct from a conceptual point of view. Lead users are intrinsically motivated to innovate, performing the innovation process autonomously and without any interaction with a manufacturer. It then is the task of the interested firm to identify and capture the resulting inventions. Our understanding of customer co-creation, in contrast, is built on a firm-driven strategy that facilitates interaction with its customers and users. Instead of just screening the user base to detect any existing prototypes created by lead users, the firm provides instruments and tools to a broader group of customers and potential customers to actively co-create a solution together (Ramirez 1999)” (Piller/IHL 2013:139).

Quelle: Piller, F.; Ihl, C. (2013): Co-creation with Customers. In: Möslein, K.M.; Reichwald, R. (2013): Leading Open Innovation, S. 139-153.

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