Compendium: Software verbindet Informationen und Ideen

compendium.jpgAuf der Website des Compendium Institute findet man eine tolle Software (Download): “Compendium is a software tool providing a flexible visual interface for managing the connections between information and ideas. It places few constraints on how you organise material, though many have found that it provides support for structured working for instance, following a methodology or modelling technique. Our own particular interest is in visualizing the connections between people, ideas and information at multiple levels, in mapping discussions and debates, and what skills are needed to do so in a participatory manner that engages all stakeholders.” Es ist relativ einfach, dass Programm herunterzuladen und es macht wirklich Spaß, dieses Tool auszuprobieren… Siehe dazu auch meinen Blogbeitrag zu ICKN (Innovative Collaborative Knowledge Network).

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