Soziales Kapital? Was ist das denn? Wie ist der Forschungsstand zum Thema?

Bei der Wissensbilanz – Made in Germany werden im unternehmerischen Kontext die Einflussfaktoren von Humankapital, Beziehungskapital und Strukturkapital betrachtet und über ein Wirkungsnetz in Beziehung zueinander gebracht. Nun kommt es immer wieder vor, dass von Sozialkapital die Rede ist, nur: Was versteht man darunter? Gibt es überhaupt eine Definition für Sozialkapital?  Das Paper Akçomak (2009) Bridges in social capital A review of the definitions and the social capital of social capital researchers gibt auf diese Frage umfassend Auskunft. Abstract: “There has been a recent surge of interest in social economics and social capital. Articles o nsocial capital that are published in the last five years constitute more than 60 percent of all articles on social capital. Research on social capital is now massive and spans sociology, economics, management, political science and health sciences. Despite this interest there is still not a consensus on the definition and the measurement of social capital. This paper argues that this is due to lack of interaction between disciplines. The social capital of social capital researchers is low between disciplines. Different from other theories of capital, social capital theory has concurrently been developed by various disciplines and as such, advancements in social capital research could only be achieved by conducting crossdisciplinary research.”

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