Mass Customization in Osteuropa: Veröffentlichung eines gemeinsamen Papers in einer rumänischen Fachzeitschrift

Das Paper Anisic/Tudjarov/Tsigkas/ Chatzopulous/Freund (2009): Some results of mapping of Mass Customization activities in SE Europe, ist in der rumänischen Fachzeitschrift Journal of Engineering, Vol VII, S. 151-156, erschienen. Diese gemeinsame Veröffentlichung geht zurück auf eine Präsentation, die im Rahmen der ICEIRD 2009 im April in Thessaloniki gehalten wurde:


 Abstract: The paper presents results of mapping different activities and subjects in the field of mass customization and personalization (MCP) in Central and Southeast Europe. The results of mapping are presented in Google Maps, devided into four main groups: research institutions, companies, national websites and dedicated conferences. The map is open to everyone, accessible through the Internet, displaying information about the relevant people and institutions. It can be concluded that mass customization business model was first adapted by national universities and then successfully transferred to SME`s and entrepreneurs. The aim is to set up a network of knowledge to help researchers and companies to implement their ideas smoothly


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